Our Technology Projects

Halo Bappenda

Software that we created for Badan Pendapatan Daerah (BAPENDA) Kab. Bogor to help taxpayers obtain information regarding tax calculations. Apart from that, taxpayers can submit documents through this application so they no longer need to come to the BAPENDA office

Electronic Signature

We made this application for Kementrian Tenaga Kerja Bidang Perencanaan & Pengembangan (Barenbang). This electronic signature helps bureaucratic efficiency in requesting approval of documents in the form of an electronic signature.

Submission of documents can be done online, anywhere and anytime, so status can be monitored in real time.


This application is to assist educational institutions in managing data on prospective new students. In this application there is an Online Registration feature, data on the number of registered students both male and female, the amount of registration money received and information on the student's school origin.


We develop this platform to manage and integrate the essential parts of their BLUD businesses. Many ERP software applications are critical to companies because they help them implement resource planning by integrating all the processes needed to run their companies with a single system.

In BLUD software system can also integrate planning,purchasing inventory, sales, marketing, finance, human resources, and more.


Connectivity Service

Advantages of VSAT Network Enhancing Communication and Internet Access in Remote Areas. The presence of VSAT networks can also enhance internet access in remote areas and certainly has its own advantages

Low latency: Starlink's low latency means that data arrives steadily and quickly. Latency is the response time of a connection, or how long it takes to send data and receive a response.

Low orbit: Starlink's satellites are in low orbit, up to 650 km, which allows them to provide internet access to remote locations that were previously unreachable

Why Starlink ?

Starlink is a satellite internet service that offers several advantages over other internet providers, including

Easy to set up: Starlink is easy to set up, with a simple plug-and-play experience

Ideal for rural areas: Starlink is well suited for rural and geographically isolated areas where internet connectivity is unreliable or nonexistent

black blue and yellow textile
black blue and yellow textile

Tell us what kind of application you need, because every organization has a different flow, we give you a custom-made application.

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